Environment, Uncategorized

Environmental hopes and dreams.

To begin I have many hopes and dreams like many other people. My biggest at this point is to have a happy and healthy life with my family. Life can take a turn so unexpectantly, and I wish to leave my mark on this world, for my children. For their children and so forth.

To begin with, I have always had a strong fascination with the world around me, especially the natural world… I grew up as a kid being very curious and attempting to learn what I could about various aspects of the natural world. I went through phases of wanting to learn different topics. Geology, geography, biology, chemistry (not my strongest point), anthropology, palenotology, meterology, astrology… The list seems never ending. I was always trying to learn more about the enviornment around me, especially where I lived.

I was lucky enought o grow up on pastoral properties, where numerous natural elements happened to be on my doorstep, to feed my curiosity I grew up in an age with out access to computers and the internet, much less a mobile phone… Todays technology makes me feel old. 😄

I have always strongly cared about the animals around me as well as the plants that make up their homes and sources of food. We as a whole all have to take part in our environment. From the livestock we tend to for our own sources of food and clothing, to caring for their environment and to treat them in the best way we possibly can. Learning to adapt and using methods that better everyone not just oursleves. To taking care of the native fauna and flora for better environmental health.

Even a good farmer will take care and love their animals to the best of their abilities. Happy animals, yields much better results. Plus knowing when to stop and to make a change if need be to help the native wildlife and vegetation. Learning to work with nature and not against it.

From a very young age I so wished to become a park Ranger, so that I could continue to work amongst the flora and fauna, to protect and sustain the best that I could, to educating others on the importance of the environment and how they can help in their own way. I still deep down wish I could do this, but fear my window is close to closing on that dream. I’m not getting any younger and my health is not what it once was…

To go directly down that path, involves lots of hard work which could entail a 4 year term in university. There are other options for shorter courses etc, though they are limited. Modern technology is helping some. Now with the internet a lot of courses can be studied online, without needing to visit a campus. Two courses that I have looked into would require me to spend time on a campus, closest of which would give me about 4 hours driving time. 2 hours back, 2 hours forward. The other issue is the availability of employment in these fields. I’ve been out of the workforce so long that all my qualifications would not even register on most potential employers radar… I’m even looking at zoology, biology animal attendant, horticulture and wildlife care and management.

To fill in my time until then, are firstly, my family, then with my love of animals carried on, I have often had a menegerie of animals to care for. Though due to my current situation I only have my two dogs and a cat.

Besides that, is the time I take to express my creative side. I’m also into many arts and crafts… In the crafting world I am unaware of crafts that I have not at least attempted. In the arts I mainly draw. I will paint from time to time, mostly in watercolour and acrylic. Occasionally I will do digital art. I am hoping to possibly use my art towards my envrionmental goals in the future.

I have also started down the polymer clay path, trying new techniques here and there. Contemplating if I should retry my jewelry making venture. Most of my past creations, involved beadwork and knotwork styles, similar in nature to macramé.

Photography is another hobby that gets me out and about, mostly taking photos of flowers and minibeasts, often with my phone.

My environmental dreams mostly revolve around being able to provide habitat and rehabilitation options for local wildlife. Improve and provide better facilities and options for wildlife carers. Short of obtaining my dream job of being a park ranger. I often try helping out in the background. I’m just happy to help. Receiving attention and praise makes me feel awkward most of the time.

Until my health and circumstances improve, arts and crafts are helping me towards further goals. Being centre of attention is never my goal.

I usually like living quietly… Though to get my art more noticed I guess I need to come out of hiding more often. No art degree mind. Mostly self taught, with a few classes at school… I just hope that what I do is pleasing to those that are them, and in a small part makes the world a happier place, a portion at a time.


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Scary reminder…

This is a blog I started to write about a major event in my life… It happened a little while ago now, but the memory is very strong… I wasn’t brave or certain about sharing this before. But I want it to be known now…

A scary reminder of how fragile life is, especially for someone such as myself… Happened to me just before New Year’s Eve 2016.

I managed to have a wonderful Christmas with the family and extended families throughout the school holidays, without any major hiccups, especially those related to health issues. Though leading up to New Year’s Eve, on the 29th of December 2016, the day started and winded down like a normal day during our holidays with the children. That evening I was spending some time, after the children had (finally) gone to bed, with my partner, checking on the animals before we decided to go to bed ourselves. The only thing that might have been seen out of the ordinary, was the fact that I noticed I was more bloated than usual. Of course, I shrugged it off along with other symptoms that had been diagnosed and treated as such, following doctors orders. It tended to coincide with my ‘reflux’ issues. ‘Reflux’ that prompted me to get tested for Crohn’s disease. Which I apparently didn’t have.

Unfortunately, later that night I had a moment where I laid down on the bed momentarily, for my belly was sore and I was tired. My partner asked if I was ok, more than once. I appeared incoherent at one point, yet I came to and replied that I was ok. I even sat up and dealt with one of my children who was meant to be in bed, as though nothing was wrong with me. Strangely I did not remember the incoherent phase… My partner was watching me closely, though. Went to bed and slept that night away…

The next morning, the 30th of December 2016, not all was well. I woke up doubled in pain. I was in severe agony that started fluctuating. My partner woke to my cries of pain. Asked me what was wrong, which I honestly answered, with “I do not know… My belly hurts…” I was still waking myself, and the pain made it hard to think. Of course, I started to panic, fear for myself and my family started to set in. I knew we had to get the kids up. I told my partner, that I needed to go to the hospital. In the moment I somehow managed to get up, get dressed and even pack a bag with minor essentials, while my partner rounded up the children. I put myself into the car, awaiting the drive into the next town that had a hospital. Dozing on and off in my seat, with the summer sun beating down on me. It felt like an age had gone by, while I waited for my family, yet it was probably the quickest my family had moved from waking, to get into the car. During the 20 minute drive, holding my abdomen and dozing in and out of consciousness, we got to the emergency department of our little hospital.

At this point, I was in so much pain. I managed to get to a bed, while I waited to be seen too, answering questions as best as I could, between crying out in pain. I even felt ill at one point. I think I was given some pain meds. I can’t remember medication, just the pain. I saw my partner and children briefly and then the children were taken to my sister-in-law’s house. I was visited by my partner and my brother at some point. The looks on their faces said so much… I was seen by a doctor at some point.

Everything seemed to take forever, yet it wasn’t really. I was terrified. I was told that I need to go to a larger hospital in our capital City. I was soon wheeled out to an ambulance. My partner came on board with me. I talked as much as I could with the Ambulance officer by my side. Someone I even knew personally, from my local town. We were taken to the airstrip for me to be transferred to the aeroplane ambulance. The RFDS (Royal Flying Doctors Service). By road would have taken hours, which I probably didn’t have. I slept on and off on the plane. Half wished I could see out the window… Another ambulance met us at the airport and drove me straight to another hospital. I was settled into the emergency department, and not long afterwards I was prepped for the operating theatre. In I went, then under anaesthesia, following kind reassuring words, I drifted off.

It wasn’t until 2:00 am the next day that I came out of the theatre…

I woke to the familiar feeling of needles for drips attached to me, a tube down my throat, a caffita and lots of pain in my abdomen…

The earlier stages are a blur for me at the moment. But I came to find that I had an ileostomy, which diverts the small intestine away from my large intestine, creating a stoma, meaning I now have a bag attached for toilet business. It turned out something perforated my bowel, making me very ill indeed. I nearly lost my life in the moments leading up to my surgery. The emotional roller coaster didn’t stop there, it’s still happening. I do not fully know what the cause was. I was led to believe a gigantic list of possibilities, while something was sent off to a lab for testing… From easily treatable ailments to those associated with the dreaded C word… The stress and tears that followed… The uncertainty is almost as bad as knowing…

On top of the emotional pain and stress, was the physical pain and new challenges that I was faced with… I had to deal with low blood pressure issues, (restricting pain meds), then when that was in the clear I had a lot of strong pain medication that I could still feel pain through. Though one of them gave me very strange dreams, as well as hallucinations. I was grateful when I didn’t need that anymore. I was also unable to eat for about a week. I had so many things pumped through my veins. My diet was water and ice chips. Boy did the weight drop… Along with much of my reserve.

My partner stayed around for several days in the residential wing, while my parents helped out with my 3 children. After a while, he went back to be with them. He came back a few times to visit, often with his Dad. When I could, I also started a crochet project with yarn and hooks, my partner had brought into hospital for me. I chose a simple style that I could follow with a foggy head. It helped to keep me occupied and to distract my mind from lingering pain, and unwanted thoughts…

… All of this seems like quite an age for me, yet it’s very real. I am so grateful for the time I have been given and still have with my family. I was already grateful for life, yet now even more so. It feels a tremendous achievement to have made it this far. I got through the new year, twice now since the incident. I have managed to see my youngest start Kindergarten, and my older two start their new school journeys. I may of had a painfully slow year, and I may not have achieved as much as I would of hoped. But making it this far is an achievement.

Art, Home life

Art time… breathe…

Hello all. A long time. Really over due. Real life away from the computer is really keeping me on my toes at the moment. I have been super busy between taking care of my family, the seemingly ever growing menagerie of animals to care for and my ever constant pursuit of doing some form of art!

With my art, my style seems to have gone into a lull, even a change. More of my art is likened to line art, and a lot I have been redoing digitally. I don’t seem to be able to draw on the computer well enough no matter how hard I try. So pencil and ink drawings I do instead and do my best to upload them into the digital world.

I’m having to resort to using my camera most of the time, occasionally a scanner (It needs to be replaced) and tweaking the images with programs such as Gimp and Inkscape, free open source editing software. That in it’s self has been a challenge and quite a learning curb. Thanks goodness there are plenty of tutorials and Youtube videos to help someone like me! Haha.

Most of my art still revolves around animals and of course subjects of mythology, namely the dragons. Lately also my work has been aimed at PODS Print On Demand web site stores… I’m giving them a go, and I’m not having much luck. I get plenty of views, likes and faves, spamming my social media feeds etc… I’m starting to wonder about my skill lately. Either my art isn’t up to par, or it’s just not what people are after. I enjoy art, a lot. But going down this path is making me doubt myself, and wonder if I am just wasting my time? I’m not normally one to put myself in the limelight, but lately I have made more of an online presence of myself than I ever thought I would. Ever.

I’m often feeling like those that say they like my art are only being polite. Especially friends and family. I really want to put my art to use, rather than just fill up boxes, books, drawers and now a computer hard drives, where they just collect dust, both real and virtual… I love nature so much, I am even considering having a go at science illustrations and making my own fact pages or journals. Namely of Australian native animals that I am lucky enough to be able to encounter on a regular basis. Very accurate art is needed there. But if I do will they collect dust too?

I’m even trying to keep up with seasonal themes and enter competitions… I aimed for Halloween, only drew two new artworks ( both Jack O’lanterns) and only got one tidied up for posting online through the PODs… I have started on the Christmas season too, yet I need to get a hurry on if I want to have a nice set in time for the Jolly season..


I would gather many more people go through similar experiences as me, it is pretty competitive. If I knew what I know now when I started this venture, I might of gone a different direction… Motivation and inspiration are quite a major aspect here.

With all the crazy attempts to get my art online, I’ve accumulated quite a few accounts to share it all. I have attempted to make a website to link everything in one place… It need a lot of work. I might be getting ahead of myself? I need to link my wordpress blog to it too… I’m yet to do that. I’m still learning.

Dragon Crystal Guardian

All I can really do is just keep on, improve and hope for the best. Or quit. That last one, is not a desirable option, not in the slightest. I do know now that if I’m lucky I might earn something from my art, but at present I definitely can not rely on it to keep food on the table. This is more of a hobby, that a busy Mum has time for occasionally.

Employment for myself has been a long gone memory… It has been a while. My pursuits in horticulture and anything to do with agriculture or animals has almost come to a halt of late. It would be lovely to turn my passions into income. Yet for now I will have to hang on and keep waiting and searching. My art currently is a hopeful bonus.

Hopefully sometime soon I will find more time to get around to writing more posts and more regularly. Hopefully.

It is time for me to go and scurry along to do some chores and to tend to whoever or whatever needs tending. Thank you for your time and hopefully again not too far into the future. Until then, Cheers.

Brown A5 edit



Kelpie– The high energy work-aholic

Kelpies are a very energetic dog that almost seem hard to tire. They are the perfect working dog, bred to help working with livestock such as sheep and cattle. They are very willing to learn, yet some people have found this easier than others. Some people use different commands, using their voice, whistles and clicks. They can run for hours in the field doing work , moving animals all day. It takes a lot to tire them out. They usually earn their nap time. As a pet you need to be willing to give them lots of exercise, such as chasing a ball ‘all day’ on a large oval. A great way to tire out a very energetic child is to get them to play fetch with the dog! They need to be given the right training and when you do they will give you one of the most loyal and willing companions you can find. Obstacle courses and sport like training are great for them. A great companion for long walks or hikes. They can be very protective and can be quite excitable. Young ones have a hard time not to jump up on you when excited, yet persistence and the right training they will learn that jumping up on people is frowned upon.

Another thing to consider, they can jump very well. To nearly three metres in a vertical jump. There are kelpie high jump trials, that test this ability. In farm situations they can jump the livestock yards to get straight to work… (while their human is still getting over a stile or through a gate). Sometimes, especially when bored, they will chase other animals, or even ’round’ them up. They can be trained to not go after everything, yet it involves you being very persistent and making sure that they don’t get bored. Some have been known to chase cars if they get too bored and can leave the yard.

They are a very hardy breed, seeming to be quite happy out in the dust and dirt, sleeping in outdoor kennels. Yet they are also just as comfortable living indoors on their own bed or even on yours. They can feel the cold though, at times as they do have a shorter coat than some other working dog breeds such as Collies and German shepards.

A typical kelpie trait is how they lay low to intently watch their target, while at the ready to spring up and run at any moment when they need to. Whether it be watching the sheep and either making sure they don’t run past them or waiting for the command from the owner or even waiting for you to kick or throw that ball that they dropped at your feet. They are very keen, sharp and active dogs, full of character and they need something to do. Definitely not a layabout or lap dog. You need to keep up, or they will leave you for dust.


Galahs- the cheeky character

Galahs or pink cockatoos can be quite a cheeky and very noisy bird to have. Lots of time and patience, along with a decent serve of tolerance is needed when looking after these birds. They all have their own characters and you have to be committed to a very long friendship of these birds. All going well they can live for 50 years. So be prepared. Even if it means that they get handed down to your children later. In my experience you need to be able to have a lot of one on one time with them. If you wish them to learn new things and get along with you and your family. Not recommended with young children. Children are best to be supervised around them. The children need to be taught how to behave around them too. New and sudden things can startle the bird. Both the male and female galahs can be taught a lot, though the females tend to be quieter and more prone to possibly biting. Females can still be very loud with their screeching, yet if you wish to teach words, males excel here. Females don’t like to mimic as much. They can talk, it can just take more work. Females have pink iris’s and males have brown iris’s. As they get older the pink feathers get a darker more vibrant shade.



The parrots can be very jealous birds, especially if you take in the behaviour of one boy that I had. The poor boy had a broken wing that would dislocate at the elbow. Poor boy wasn’t able to fly any more. So in the style of pirate birds, I used to let him ride around on my shoulder, even outside. I tried to involve him in everything I could. I would even take him outside to ‘graze’ on my lawn, and stand about supervising him, earning odd looks from passers-by. I had to make sure the local cats didn’t get any ideas, especially since he could not fly. He used to be such a sweet little boy, though he seemed to have a great dislike in some of my hair accessories! He learnt quick to leave my earrings alone too, though I still kept a wary eye on him. I also learnt that, to him I was his and he didn’t like me talking to other people. If he was on my shoulder and I spoke to someone else I would get a sharp bite on the earlobe! He was trained also to only relieve himself when on allocated perches. Which definitely wasn’t my shoulder! He was quick to learn that one, much to my relief. I never had his other wing clipped. The vet verified he will never fly again, regardless. Life seemed fine until things changed dramatically and I found I had to move, which unfortunately meant that my dear boy couldn’t come with me. I was devastated. He was family. So I looked to a great neighbour who kindly took him on, and got along with him very well. They are very special birds.



As I said they are a very long commitment. Another note is that it is up to you if you clip or do not clip their wings. In some aspects it is safer for them to be clipped, yet I prefer them not to be. They are birds after all.



Years later, I was not looking for a bird, and in different circumstances I ended up with a very young galah, who was only a month old. I was apprehensive due to my past experience, and a bit nervous for his future. It was another male. I fell in love with him pretty quickly. I named him Ozzie. (I have had since November 2015) He is cheeky and has a lot of learning to do, as do I. He is always teaching me something new. I have chosen not to clip his wings. I keep him in a smaller cage for indoors, rather than an outdoor aviary. This is so he gets as much interaction with the family as possible. I try to have one on one time, out of the cage as much as I can, which on some days is harder, due to young children being around. They can get distracted very easily. Though Ozzie gets given the choice to come out of his cage, he often chooses to stay in it. The cage is his comfort zone, or safety blanket if you will. He gets these moods, he will let you know when he wants to be petted. He has quirky traits, such as ‘kissing’ through the cage. He enjoys the scratch behind the head. Dances to a tune, or even when you sing to him. At the moment he doesn’t like to talk too much, yet he loves to whistle. I have caught him ‘practising’ some words. Only when he thinks he is on his own. For some reason he doesn’t like doing that in front of me. Maybe he’s shy? Something I have caught him repeat to himself was “who’s a good boy”. He will also greet me with a series of clicks and whistles.



When you let any parrot free range indoors, especially if it can fly, just be aware if it could get startled, knock things off of shelves. Sit in your artificial plants, chew on electrical wires among other things. They can live in a house with other animals, yet always be aware. I have cats, yet anything bigger than a sparrow sends fear through my felines. It can be a very funny sight. Dogs can get along with them too, though as with children keep them supervised. Anything can happen in a moment.



Some galahs will bite any chance they get, while others can be the sweetest thing out there. There are even tricksters amongst them. One female galah comes to mind. She can be bitey, especially if she doesn’t know you. Yet she loves to have a scratch behind the head and will offer the back of her head to you through the bars. Though as soon as your attention wanes, be prepared for quite a hard bite to the fingers, and she is quick! You have to learn her behaviour or risk having a chunk taken out of your finger! The gentler birds tend to be hand raised or birds that have had tonnes of one on one time with humans, rather than being just put in a cage. They are less likely to follow you with words if they are with other birds.



Outdoor time can be possible with galahs, though with the ability to fly most people will lose their birds. Clipped wings will mean it will stay within your reach easier. There are also bird harnesses available to walk them on a lead if you wish. There is free flight training for non clipped wings, yet I am yet to learn this trick, and I am very nervous with the idea. So for now it’s more closely supervised activities and maybe when he’s a bit older, I will look into it further.



Being a cockatoo, they need a varied diet, and not just ‘parrot’ seed like a lot of people think. I say ‘parrot’ seed, because unfortunately a lot of what gets sold has a mixture of seed without much thought, far from ‘fillers’ and such. Corn for example is not a very good choice for parrots. Great for birds like chickens, but not cockatoos. It has been known to make them more aggressive. Some other seeds, the parrots will refuse to eat, unless there is nothing else. Those I call ‘fillers’. So as a result I try to make my own blend with wheat, sunflower seeds (striped only), millet and some form of nuts such as almonds. I only use striped sunflower seeds, since they have a lower fat content then black seeds. Even then sparingly. Those seeds can contain a lot of fat which is unhealthy for cockatoos, especially when contained in cages for long periods of time. Or can’t fly. Other than that I give him fruit and vegetables, such as apple, strawberry, carrot, cucumber and capsicum. As well as so many other varieties. Along with that I collect branches, leaves and flowers off of particular plants for him to chew and make a mess of. A great boredom buster. On that note I give him large wooden toys. Swings, ladders and other things. They love bells. Though they can chew well. So thin wooden toys would not last a week… My boy Ozzie even plays with a cat toy that has a bell. He loves throwing that around. Another toy is one we made ourselves by replacing the wood from the shop with more solid off cuts of a wood we know to be safe. It has lasted for more than six months and is still going strong. He loves spinning it around, chews on it and even uses it as a back scratcher!



So to sum it all up, they are a lifelong commitment and can be quite a handful, they need time to get used to new things. You need to have lots of patience, and a willingness to learn along with your bird. Don’t expect them to learn everything, or straight away. They all have their own personalities, and just like us they learn in their own pace. They can be the sweetest angel or the most devious little devil out. Haha. Just like a human toddler can be.